International Journal of Advanced Technology and Engineering Exploration (IJATEE) ISSN (P): 2394-5443 ISSN (O): 2394-7454 Vol - 5, Issue - 43, June 2018
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Automating live update for J2EE applications over distributed environment

Jalaj Pachouly and Varsha Dange


In the current world, there are very frequent changes in the industry needs due to pressing customer requirement, technology upgrade or fixing security issue in the currently deployed software, hence there is a great need of upgrading or updating the currently running applications. At the same time considering the usage of computers for almost in every domain, there is a lot of usage of horizontal scaling of software application where we are running multiple parallel servers deployed in various geographic locations across the globe using various cloud providers. It is desired to have automation for live update process. There is a great need to automate the process of upgrading the software version automatically, without manual intervention, without stopping the running servers, without losing the sanity of the application, smooth migration of coming request to newer version, no abrupt terminating the running process. In this paper it is recommended to use dynamic class loading with automated live update server, it will serve as a generic solution for live updating the multi-threaded servers. Using dynamic class loading, live update is not limited to just patching the server program with new content, instead we can update the business functionality. Dynamic class loading ensures that current running program did not get interfere while upgrade is taking place and after upgrade new version of the program takes over, and works smoothly for all new requests of computation. Hot deployment provides the smooth migration of software from old version to other, but still it is not fully automatic, across the location. The central live update server, which can perform upgrade on remote servers at multiple geographical location where the applications are deployed have been proposed.


Terms-live update, DSU, Checkpoint-restart, Quiescence detection, Record-replay, Garbage collection, Threads.

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