International Journal of Advanced Technology and Engineering Exploration (IJATEE) ISSN (P): 2394-5443 ISSN (O): 2394-7454 Vol - 5, Issue - 47, October 2018
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A survey on network intrusion detection system techniques

K. NandhaKumar and S. Sukumaran


Security is the emerging trend in today’s modern world. Whole world is connected with some network capabilities and transmission of data becomes easier and faster. Nowadays, several places were implemented with network like schools, banks; offices etc. and many individuals are adopted with social network media. Several techniques were developed for improving the security aspects for network related issues. But still, vulnerable attacks are taken place and dominate the security aspects to pertain their strength towards various kinds of attack possibilities. For this reason, several network intrusion detection systems (NIDS) were proposed to protect computers as well as networks. It safeguards data integrity, system availability, and confidentiality from several kinds of attacks. In this paper, we study about the various types of network attacks and intrusion detection system to prevent from these attacks. Also, challenges that are faced by NIDS are discussed and comparison of different techniques and analysis are given in detail. The performance accuracy of each classifier that is previously proposed is comprised.


Network security, Network intrusion detection system (NIDS), Network attacks, Deep learning.

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