International Journal of Advanced Technology and Engineering Exploration (IJATEE) ISSN (P): 2394-5443 ISSN (O): 2394-7454 Vol - 5, Issue - 47, October 2018
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Web-based admission system for advanced level, private schools: case of Kilimanjaro region, Tanzania

Mwapashua H. Fujo and Mussa Ally Dida


This paper takes a look at the various challenges facing admission procedures for advanced level (A-Level) private schools case of Kilimanjaro region in Tanzania. Questionnaires were distributed to gather data from potential users of a new proposed admission system; namely: parents, A-Level students and school staffs, to find out procedures likewise the challenges being faced in the course of carrying out admission procedures and their level of satisfaction of the existing admission system. Thereafter, the analysis of the survey results confirms and quantify that 93.5% of admissions into A-Level private schools are performed manually by ink and paper. This manual system has its major problems which include difficulty in locating an appropriate school and subjects an applicant can get admissions, wastage of time, loss of forms and mutilation of forms throughout the entire method for admission. Consequently, this paper reports on an on-going research work to design and implement a Tanzania central processing admission system (TCPAS) that has the outstanding changes towards maintenance of admission costs, control forgery over entry qualifications, encourage the use of paperless admission, ability to reach several geographically scattered candidates and enhancing centralized data handling capability.


Admission system, A-Level private schools, CSEE, NECTA, TCPAS, Web portal.

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