International Journal of Advanced Technology and Engineering Exploration (IJATEE) ISSN (P): 2394-5443 ISSN (O): 2394-7454 Vol - 5, Issue - 48, November 2018
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Modular responsibility distribution for vulnerability management process

Shaz Alam and Mohd Muqeem


The world of computing rapidly changed from mainframe to client server architecture and towards the new world of cloud computing. This new generation of computing has tremendous advantages over traditional offerings. Irrespective of all, security is one of the biggest hurdles which hold the migration of business towards cloud. Main reason is client unawareness about the security counters and their roles. Security control can be normally implemented around three levels such as vulnerability, attack and threat. It is better to identify and pre analyse the concerns at earliest level. The purpose of research is to visualize the vulnerability management process in the modular form and make a transparent responsibility picture for each actor. In the end of the research a new term threshold limit was highlighted in vulnerability life cycle.


Cloud security, Vulnerability, Vulnerability management.

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