An efficient method for cloud computing security and sharing in private cloud environment
Mahale Rahul Bhaskar, Kailash Patidar, Rishi Kushwah and Sudeesh Chouhan
In this paper an efficient approach for private cloud data security has been maintained by the advanced encryption standard (AES) with additional XOR and RC6 key variant mechanism. The benefit of AES is robust and provides the variability in higher key length sizes. So the combination is highly secure. In addition to this we have shuffle the data again with the additional XOR mechanism which will provide more security. This shuffled data is process with the RC6 key variant mechanism. The hybridization provides the higher key variability along with the key variant mechanism in all the iterations so the key combinations changed in all the iteration and for the same data. Our approach also provides the security breach indication in terms of data breach attack when the data is transferred through cloud computing environment.
Cloud computing, AES with XOR, RC6, Private cloud.
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Bhaskar MR, Patidar K, Kushwah R, Chouhan S.An efficient method for cloud computing security and sharing in private cloud environment . ACCENTS Transactions on Information Security. 2019;4(13):1-6. DOI:10.19101/TIS.2018.312001