ACCENTS Transactions on Image Processing and Computer Vision (TIPCV) ISSN (O): 2455-4707 Vol - 5, Issue - 14, February 2019

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Machine learning applications to smart city

Badri Narayan Mohapatra and Prangya Prava Panda


The basic need of human is increasing as they interact with different devices and also, they provide many feedbacks. Many smart devices generate high data and that can be retrieved and reviewed by humans. Applications are not fixed as it increases day to day life. Based on these data generated by different smart devices and smart city applications machine learning approach is the best adaptive solution. Rapid development in software, hardware with high speed internet connection provides large data to this physical world. The key contribution of this paper is a machine learning application survey towards smart city.


Smart city, Machine learning, Machine learning algorithm, Smart city application.

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Mohapatra BN, Panda PP


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