ACCENTS Transactions on Information Security (TIS) ISSN (P): 12222 ISSN (O): 2455-7196 Vol - 4, Issue - 16, October 2019
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A blowfish-RC6 (BRC6) with sending identification bit (SIB) mechanism for data security in XSS

Manish Agrawal, Kailash Patidar, Rishi Kushwah and Sudesh Chouhan


A blowfish-RC6 (BRC6) with sending identification bit (SIB) mechanism for data security in XSS have been proposed. The data types covered in this dissertation are text, images, web files (script and web pages), word and PDF documents. In this process the data is requested from the server and the server prepares the file so that only legitimate users can access those data by applying BRC6 with sending identification bit (SIB) mechanism. The requested file along with the user details have been send. A SIB has been added to each file after preparation which is used as the identification bit if any other user tried to access it.


JSP, HTML, CSS, Eavesdrop time, Alert Time.

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Agrawal M, Patidar K, Kushwah R, Chouhan S
