International Journal of Advanced Computer Research (IJACR) ISSN (P): 2249-7277 ISSN (O): 2277-7970 Vol - 9, Issue - 43, July 2019
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Security performance evaluation of biometric lightweight encryption for fingerprint template protection

Taqiyah Khadijah Ghazali and Nur Haryani Zakaria


Due to its accuracy and convenience, the fingerprint is one of the most reliable biometric-based authentication methods for personal identification and providing access control to many applications. However, previous studies have shown that, the fingerprint template is exposed to threat in which the attackers can steal and modified the template to acquire illegal authorization. Therefore, a technique to protect the biometric template has been proposed. The proposed technique involved the biometric template binding by advanced encryption standard (AES-128) key algorithm, which is to provide confidentiality alongside with the offset codebook mode (OCB), an authenticated encryption (AE) mode to provide integrity. Hence, this paper intends to evaluate the security performance of the proposed technique. Three parameters will be analysed which are peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR), correlation coefficient and histogram. The efficiency of the proposed technique is measured by the standard of its capability to hide all the information by correlating the relationship between the original and encrypted biometric image using PSNR, correlation coefficient and histogram analysis. The experimental results show good security performance in the given parameters.


Fingerprint template protection, Biometric cryptosystem, Key-binding, Security performance, Lightweight block cipher, Authenticated-encryption mode.

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Ghazali TK, Zakaria NH


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