An Object Oriented Record Management System (OORMS) for M-Commerce System Based on J2ME Wireless Tool Kit
Santosh Kushwaha, Shiv Kumar, Neetesh Gupta
The recent advancement in 3G technology to analyze M-Commerce an important role in several areas of Business processing. Along with the rapid development of 3rd generation mobile communication technologies, the applications of M-Commerce have been greatly expanded. This paper describes the use of The Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition (J2ME) to develop mobile application for 3G networks. We also describe the structure of our J2ME computer vision library and describe the implementation of algorithms in our library. A type of J2ME-based mobile e-commerce system design program is presented; the program has the advantages such as simple realization, strong maneuverability. The J2ME Wireless Toolkit provides a compiling and testing environment for developing applications for CLDC/MIDP compliant mobile phones. We also develop an algorithm based on object oriented for better usage of M-Commerce system in mobile environment.
CLDC, MIDP, M-Commerce, J2ME, OORMS.
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.An Object Oriented Record Management System (OORMS) for M-Commerce System Based on J2ME Wireless Tool Kit. International Journal of Advanced Computer Research. 2011;1(1):96-100.