International Journal of Advanced Technology and Engineering Exploration (IJATEE) ISSN (P): 2394-5443 ISSN (O): 2394-7454 Vol - 6, Issue - 56, July 2019
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Euclidean space and their functional application for computation analysis

Jay Prakash Tiwari and Manish Pande


Euclidean space is the calculative procedure for the calculation of the inner and outer points. The set of points for the calculation is called the Euclidean space. It is also used in the form of Euclidean distance. It is used in different domains and in their applications. It is widely used for the clustering and classification algorithms along with the wide applicability in statistics. In the prospect of the above view the Euclidean space and their functional application have been explored and discussed in this paper. The main aim is to focus and highlights the area of applicability along with the study of the computational feasibility by discussing the previous work.


Euclidean space, Distance points, Functional application, Computation analysis.

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Tiwari JP, Pande M


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