International Journal of Advanced Technology and Engineering Exploration (IJATEE) ISSN (P): 2394-5443 ISSN (O): 2394-7454 Vol - 6, Issue - 57, August 2019
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Usability test for cloud-based m-learning assistive technology for visually impaired learners in Tanzania’s higher learning institutions

Juliana Kamaghe, Edith Luhanga and Michael Kisangiri


The advancement of learning technologies has paved the way for learners to learn at their own pace. For visually impaired learners have been relying on other learners to get information through their smart devices. The purpose of this study focuses on usability test for designing assistive technology prototypes for m-learning to be used by visually impaired learners. The research was conducted to gather user requirement in developing m-learning assistive technology by which its Android packet kit was installed in smart devices to enable visually impaired learners to get accessibility and usability of the mobile learning management system available. The developed m-learning assistive technology prototype provide services to visually impaired learners through smart devices. The system contains three parts; namely, user management include user authentication for higher learning institutions, learning resources, and speech synthesizer. The overall results were obtained was 78%, which exceeded the standard results for usability, which is 68%; this shows that m-learning assistive technology perceived the use and acceptance by the intended users (visually impaired learners).


Learning technologies, Smart devices, M-learning, SUS, Assistive technology, Visually impaired.

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Kamaghe J, Luhanga E, Kisangiri M


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