International Journal of Advanced Computer Research (IJACR) ISSN (P): 2249-7277 ISSN (O): 2277-7970 Vol - 10, Issue - 46, January 2020
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Development of web-based application in population administration system using scrum framework

Ginanjar Wiro Sasmito and M. Nishom


There are two methods of collecting population data in Indonesia. These are population census conducted by the Central Bureau of Statistics using data sampling techniques, and recording population data conducted by each resident in the management of Population ID and Family Cards by the Population and Civil Registry Office. The different ways of collecting data, there is great potential demographic data differences in the two institutions; this is a pretty serious problem regarding the validity and accuracy of demographic data. The population data of the two institutions are commonly used as a basis for making policies regarding beneficiaries for the poor, recipients of educational assistance, determining voting rights in elections and etc. The solution provided is the result of this research is, the solution is to produce a website-based computer application platform to record population data by a bottom up method, which can be used by both institutions. The solution given that the result of this research is to produce a web-based computer application platform in order to perform maintenance of the population administration process by taking demographic data in steps / processes bottom up, eventually the population data used by both institutions. The website applications are built by implementing the Scrum framework. This is implemented to speed up the work process compared to other frameworks. Since it only takes 30 days by involving all the Scrum teams. A web application that has been generated has also been tested with usability testing using system usability scale (SUS) method with the results of = 83.5%. This application has been applied to the Department of Population and Civil Registration and Statistics Agency in the area of Tegal city. So, this application is highly recommended to be implemented at the Department of Population and Civil Registration and the Central Bureau of Statistics throughout Indonesia. Since it has made the population data into a single data, valid, accurate and eliminates data redundancy, in addition to demographic data update process has also become faster and in real time.


Web applications, Population, Scrum, OAM.

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Sasmito GW, Nishom M


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