International Journal of Advanced Technology and Engineering Exploration (IJATEE) ISSN (P): 2394-5443 ISSN (O): 2394-7454 Vol - 7, Issue - 64, March 2020
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A study of transient effect of constant indirect flow velocity through multiple upper-vents in un-stratified rectangular ventilated building using theoretical approach

Muhammad Auwal Lawan, Sunusi Aminu Nata Ala, Muhammad Yusuf Muhammad, Aliyu Lawan Musa, Rabi’u Bashir Yunusa and Bashir Danladi Garba


The paper is an extension of authors own work in which, studied of transient effect of stack-driven airflow in cross- ventilated building with three opening in the presence of opposing flow in one of the upper-vent. An analysis has been carried out to study the transient effect of constant indirect flow velocity in rectangular building with multiple upper- vents induced by stack-driven effect. Moreover, equations of momentum and energy are non dimensionalised using some dimensionless quantities and solved theoretically by means of separation of variable method. The asymptotic behavior of parameters involved in the study predicts the result for Velocity, temperature distributions together with volumetric and mass- transfer. The results of the study are presented graphically and discussed for varying values of physical parameters involved such as, effective thermal coefficient( θ_0 ), Prandtl number( Pr) and Grashof number( Gr). In addition, comparison with previously published work by was performed. In which, the study concluded that, the results for present work is more effective and efficient than the previous work in term of ventilation process. Finally, from the course of investigation, it was observed air temperature and velocity increase with the increase in both parameters( θ_0 ), ( Pr) and ( Gr) respectively.


Transient effect, Indirect flow velocity, Multiple upper vents, Ventilated building

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Lawan MA, Nata Ala SA, Muhammad MY, Musa AL, Yunusa RB, Garba BD


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