International Journal of Advanced Technology and Engineering Exploration (IJATEE) ISSN (P): 2394-5443 ISSN (O): 2394-7454 Vol - 7, Issue - 65, April 2020
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Analysis of card management and associated operational risk in banks of Nepal

Gajendra Sharma and Ravi Shrestha


Analysis of card management and associated operational risk in banks of Nepal’ gives us insight on how banks are performing their card management and reconciliation process. This allows us to understand their card management and reconciliation process and operational risk associated with it. Understanding these processes grants us insights to provide suggestions and tips to the employees to efficiently carry out their task. Respondents were provided with questionnaires, and some were interviewed personally regarding the subject matter. The secondary data were collected via reports, journals and websites. After the data collection, it was found that most of the banks are using the card management software and most of them are not efficient enough to satisfy the need of users using it and the institutions. Finally, it is recommended that the institutions should implement few concepts immediately to reduce the operational risk and add additional features to the existing system as mentioned in the prototype.


Card management, Bank, Reconciliation, Operational risk, ATM, Maker, Checker, Debit card, Credit card.

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Sharma G, Shrestha R


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