International Journal of Advanced Computer Research (IJACR) ISSN (P): 2249-7277 ISSN (O): 2277-7970 Vol - 10, Issue - 49, July 2020
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Application of e-business in general elections (Study of utilization of a single identity number to support in the election process)

Yudo Devianto


In approaching the technology era 4.0, providing the best service to the community is something that must be provided by the government, of course, the service must be supported by reliable and up-to-date information technology. One of the problems faced is how to provide the best results in providing services to the community. The services referred to in this study relate to a series of general election activities, where most people do not get the best service, including those not registered in permanent voters, some are not able to exercise their voting rights because their position is not close to the election location where they are registered. This research also expects the support of related parties so that this research can produce solutions that can be used to solve existing problems. Referring to the background of this study, the problems that can be identified are as follows: 1. Many people who can’t be registered as permanent voters, 2. Can’t exercise their right to vote, because the position at the election is not close to the location where they are registered as voters, 3 The number of ballots is damaged, or invalid so that voters can’t use their voting rights. The scope of the problem is research focused on providing solutions so that the problem can be solved by utilizing information technology. The concept of E-Business will be applied in this research, namely Business to Government (B2G). The research method we use is applied research, because the results of the research can be directly used to solve problems faced and the application of E-Business by using the information systems development (ISD) method. The results achieved are applying the concept of Business to Government (B2G), which can be seen in Business to Government (B2G) business processes.


The best service, Permanent voters, Elections, Voting rights, Damaged ballots, E-business, B2G, Business to government.

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