International Journal of Advanced Computer Research (IJACR) ISSN (P): 2249-7277 ISSN (O): 2277-7970 Vol - 10, Issue - 49, July 2020
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Automatic waste segregator and monitoring system

Rahul Mapari, Shweta Narkhede, Anagha Navale and Jiyot Babrah


Waste management is a collective process of collection, segregation, transport and disposal of waste to the appropriate locations. The segregation of different types of wastes is the most important issue faced while designing a waste segregation and monitoring system. As a result of which, the waste is still being segregated manually, thus producing a harmful effect on the segregator itself. This project reports an automatic segregator and monitoring system. Plastic recycling is a solution to this. Plastic recycling is the process of regaining plastic discarded as waste and reprocessing it in order to reuse it. The segregation section consists of ATmega328 as its main controller. It includes an inductive proximity sensor, capacitive proximity sensor and a moisture sensor in order to sense the type of waste. Automatic waste segregator classifies the waste as plastic, dry, wet and metallic. The waste collection process is monitored by the monitoring section. The automatic waste segregator and monitoring system is a cost-effective management system for segregation of plastic, dry, wet and metallic waste without the continuous attention of a person. A simple controller with inductive, capacitive proximity sensors and moisture sensor are used to make the system low cost and simple. The achieved results are as per the expected objectives, which provide proper segregation of waste, without manual intervention.


Automatic waste segregator, Waste segregator and monitoring system, Waste recycling system, Prior segregation.

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Mapari R, Narkhede S, Navale A, Babrah J


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