ACCENTS Transactions on Image Processing and Computer Vision (TIPCV) ISSN (O): 2455-4707 Vol - 6, Issue - 21, November 2020

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Visual interfaces for the digital simulation system of the IPR-R1 Triga nuclear research reactor

Amir Z. Mesquita, Adriano de A. M. Felippe, Aldo M. F. Lage and Patrícia A. M. Ribeiro


Nuclear Technology Development Center (CDTN) offers the Training Course for Research Reactor Operator (Ctorp). This course is offered since 1974 and about 250 nuclear professionals were certificated by CDTN. Thus, a digital simulation system for the IPR-R1 Triga research reactor was developed to be a tool for teaching, training and recycling professionals. The simulator was developed using the LabVIEW® (Laboratory Virtual Instruments Engineering Workbench), with support calculation software, where mathematical models and graphical interface configurations form a friendly platform, which allows the trainee to be identified with the physical systems of the research reactor. A simplified modeling of the main physical phenomena related to the operation of the reactor and the reactivity control systems, reactor cooling and reactor protection was used. The digital simulator allows an HMI (Human-Machine Interaction) by manipulating system variables and monitoring trends in quantities during the operation of the reactor, showing an interactive tool for teaching, training and recycling for professionals in the IPR-R1 Triga nuclear research, allowing simulations of the start, power and stop operations. This paper presents the design and results of the user visual interfaces developed for the reactor operation simulator. This is the equivalent part of structured text programming and, therefore, the most significant part of the developed simulator.


Simulation, Modelling, Triga nuclear reactor, Virtual instruments, Visual interface, LabVIEW®.

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Mesquita AZ, Felippe Ad, Lage AM, Ribeiro PA


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