International Journal of Advanced Computer Research (IJACR) ISSN (P): 2249-7277 ISSN (O): 2277-7970 Vol - 10, Issue - 51, November 2020
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Research gaps based virtualization in mobile cloud computing

Boubakeur Annane, Adel Alti and Osman Ghazali


Recently, mobile computing is known as a fast-growing utilization of people's daily life. However, the main challenge that faced this rapid advancement is the limited mobile devices’ resources such as processing capability, storage space and battery life. With the development of cloud computing, mobile devices’ resources are improved with the help of cloud services, which resulted an emerged technology named Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC). Although the MCC has several advantages for mobile users, it is also challenged by many critical issues like security and privacy of the mobile user's data that offloaded on the cloud’ servers and processed on the virtual machines (VMs). In virtualization, various investigations showed that malicious users are able to break down the cloud security methods by spreading their VMs in order to alter or violate the user sensitive data that executed on cloud’ VMs. This paper deeply analyzes the recent MCC based virtualization approaches and methods by criticizing them. We found out that no approach protects the data from being stolen while distributed VMs that deployed on different cloud servers exchanging data. Hence, the paper provides practical gaps related to virtualization in MCC and future perspectives.


Security and privacy, Mobile cloud computing, Virtualization, Co-location, Hypervisor, Distributed attacks.

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Annane B, Alti A, Ghazali O


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