International Journal of Advanced Technology and Engineering Exploration (IJATEE) ISSN (P): 2394-5443 ISSN (O): 2394-7454 Vol - 8, Issue - 74, January 2021
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Smart lighting system control strategies for commercial buildings: a review

N. H. Baharudin, T. M. N. T. Mansur, R. Ali and N. F. A. Sobri


Rapid global economic growth and growing population have tremendously led to the increasing demand for energy needs in commercial and residential buildings. The main energy resources for electrical energy generation in Malaysia are fossil fuels. The increase in electricity demands causes simultaneous proportional growth in fossil fuel consumption, thereby leads to higher greenhouse gas emissions. Buildings have emerged as the most voracious electrical energy consumer which contributes over one-third of global energy consumption. Furthermore, lightings and air-conditioning systems have the most significant impacts on the total electricity usage of buildings in Malaysia. Thus, energy efficiency efforts targeting both loads will significantly reduce total energy consumption in the buildings. This paper aimed at reviewing energy efficiency efforts at the commercial buildings and comparison between simple strategy and SMART Building by using Building Energy Management System (BEMS). Many aspects of energy efficiency efforts will be considered such as energy consumption, occupant comfort, and system cost. Furthermore, suggestions for improving energy efficiency in the commercial building using the best strategy to reduce energy consumption by using a lighting control system will be discussed.


Lighting, Energy consumption, Lighting control system, Occupant, Smart building.

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Baharudin N, Mansur TN, Ali R, Sobri N


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