International Journal of Advanced Technology and Engineering Exploration (IJATEE) ISSN (P): 2394-5443 ISSN (O): 2394-7454 Vol - 8, Issue - 75, February 2021
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Electronic combination lock system using verilog HDL

Nadia Mohamad Nasir, Irni Hamiza Hamzah, Azman Ab Malik, Mohd Hanapiah Abdullah, Alhan Farhanah Abd Rahim and Ahmad Asri ABD Samat


Recently, burglary and robbery cases has been increasing and one of the factors that contributes to the growth of these cases is the weakness on the old-style home security system. The old-fashioned key and lock system may bring challenges to the effectiveness of the system since the keys are exposed to the risks of being lost and duplicated. The advancement of technology has introduced an electronic combination lock system in which only the house owner and selected people can unlock the doors. A main goal of this paper is to design and develop an electronic combination lock system using Verilog code. The entrance door of a house will only unlock if the user slides the correct secret code on the slide switches of the Altera DE2-115 Trainer Board. A Verilog code of the keyless system had been designed and scripted in Intel Quartus Prime Software. The simulations via testbench waveforms are performed in ModelSim Software. When the system detected the entered code matched with the setting code, the door is going to unlock. Besides, when the system detected the entered code did not match the setting code, the door is still unlocked. When the user entered correct password, all green LEDs turned on and the LCD displayed “Welcome Home”. Besides, when the user entered an incorrect password, all red LEDs turned on and the LCD displayed “Wrong Password”. The output displayed are successfully demonstrated on the Altera DE2-115 Trainer Board according to the desired results.


Home security system, Keyless lock system, Field programmable gate arrays (FPGA), Hardware description language (HDL).

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Nasir NM, Hamzah IH, Malik AA, Abdullah MH, Rahim AF, Samat AA


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