International Journal of Advanced Technology and Engineering Exploration (IJATEE) ISSN (P): 2394-5443 ISSN (O): 2394-7454 Vol - 8, Issue - 79, June 2021
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Utilization of huffman coding for weather buoy system using long-range communication

Jessica S. Velasco, Mariela Credo, Abeille Mae P. Salazar, Shirleen Rence S. De Ocampo, Venice Julliane C. Enriquez, Maria Victoria C. Padilla, Edgar A. Galido, Nilo M. Arago, Glenn C. Virrey and Lean Karlo S. Tolentino


Weather buoy is an instrument used to gather weather and ocean parameters and is deployed in the world’s ocean. Monitoring sensors are used for gathering weather and ocean parameters. The data is transmitted through long-range (LoRa) communication system. Transmission in a weather buoy is conventional by sending non-compressed input data, or via digital signal processing that compresses and decompresses the gathered data in a real-time transmission. In this paper, the Huffman Coding algorithm was used for minimizing and compressing codes. It was utilized to ensure the transmission of digital data from the transmitter of the weather buoy to the receiver part. The fixed-length codes with different bit numbers generated by the transmitter reduced the length of the messages from an average of 2000 bits per second to 480 bits per second per message through the use of the Huffman Coding algorithm. The evaluated result consists of 125 transmissions and encountered 7 non-compressed data. Therefore, the text file compression or the accuracy is 118/125 or 94.4%. The Huffman Coding approach was found to be an optimal solution for data transfer as it can transmit compressed input data. It is about 13 seconds compared to a 6-minute time delay with occurrences of data traffic. It is for the data which are non-compressed and transmitted as it is. It shows significant improvement in the real-time transmission and monitoring, especially for weather system.


Huffman coding, Digital signal processing, LoRa, Compress, Decompress, Digital data.

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Velasco JS, Credo M, Salazar AM, Ocampo SR, Enriquez VJ, Padilla MV, Galido EA, Arago NM, Virrey GC, Tolentino LK


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