ACCENTS Transactions on Information Security (TIS) ISSN (P): 12222 ISSN (O): 2455-7196 Vol - 6, Issue - 23, July 2021
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An improve image security algorithm using hybrid cryptography approach

Shubham Shashikant Patil, Kailash Patidar, Gourav Saxena and Narendra Sharma


This paper explores the image data security concepts along with the experimentation. An efficient combination of RC4-RC6 with Blowfish (RC2 (46B)) algorithm has been applied for the image data encryption. Wang database has been considered for the experimentation. It consists of 1,000 test images. In this approach image was selected from the database. Then image data preprocessing has been performed and matrix values have been obtained for the further processing. Then substitution was performed based on RC2 (46B). This substitution is efficient as it provides the best selection from the combination of the RC6 and RC4. Then the blowfish algorithm was applied after the substitution and first key generation. XOR was performed on the obtained bit. So that the maximum place value replacements were performed successfully. Then reverse mechanisms were adopted for the decryption of the data and finally the original image has been recovered. The results clearly depict that the performance of the proposed framework is better as the error rates are less or minor. It indicates the average error rate of 0.15. In terms of average time for encryption and decryption is 92 ms. The loss in terms of image pixels is also minimized as the error rate variation found from the images are minor. So, it is also efficient in terms of information entropy.


Image data security, Unauthorized access, Cryptography, Steganography.

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Patil SS, Patidar K, Saxena G, Sharma N


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