International Journal of Advanced Technology and Engineering Exploration (IJATEE) ISSN (P): 2394-5443 ISSN (O): 2394-7454 Vol - 8, Issue - 84, November 2021
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Response of five-phase synchronous reluctance motor with direct torque control technique

Namariq Abdulameer Ameen, Ali Kadhim Abdulabbas and Habeeb Jaber Nekad


Multiphase ac machine drives are now considered for various applications as they afford numerous benefits over their three-phase counterparts. As a result, using five-phase machines in electric drive systems is becoming more common in many industries. This paper presents a five-phase Synchronous Reluctance Motor (SynRM) design with a Direct Torque Control (DTC) strategy to establish the motor's dynamic simulation and reduce torque ripple resulting from the anisotropic structure of rotor to be ±5 and to control the motor speed at acceleration and deceleration. A five-phase voltage source inverter pulses are generated using a specific DTC Space Vector Modulation (DTC-SVM) technique. There are two look-up tables derived from stator flux linkage and electromagnetic torque control by using proper voltage space vectors. The technique used in this paper is considered a fast and straightforward method comparable to the other techniques. This paper also includes a control block schematic and a description of manners performance under various load situations and varied reference speeds at the transient and steady-state conditions. Lastly, simulation results achieved via Matlab/Simulink software show that it was a perfect control system because the motor's real speed value strictly follows the reference speed, and all results are conventional and regular.


Synchronous reluctance motor, Reluctance torque, Direct torque control and Electric drive systems.

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Ameen NA, Abdulabbas AK, Nekad HJ


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