International Journal of Advanced Technology and Engineering Exploration (IJATEE) ISSN (P): 2394-5443 ISSN (O): 2394-7454 Vol - 8, Issue - 84, November 2021
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A comprehensive 7M IoT adoption model-a lifecycle shift paradigm

Satish Kumar Sogi and Sudesh Kumar Mittal


A critical rhetorical model is required for the transformation of an enterprise which is planning a radical shift due to strategic Internet of Things (IoT) adoption in the operations. A systematic approach is required to deal with this transition of an organization. The IoT has enabled organizations with analytical discernments and perceptiveness. A large set of enterprises is planning this adoption in order to empower themselves in making better decisions and improving their growth rate. With the integration of IoT with their assets, the organizations can discover unusual patterns in terms of their performance and subsequently take preventive measures with the help of insights collected from the IoT ecosystem. The study indicates that a majority of organizations failed to deliver any operational value from their digital IoT adoption and could not meet their key objectives. A lack of an agile, iterative and incremental sprint approach was a major cause for a high proportion of failures. The proposed 7M framework helps to reinforce the thin traditional view of the change management process which is seen as a coherent process of applying modus operandi, assigning prescribed roles and responsibilities for all the individuals in charge, scheduling the whole transformation process, planning the implementation and evaluating the whole process. The framework proposes a rather thick view of the change management in a way that surmounts all factors that hinder the whole process and takes care of the foreseen complexities and challenges. The paper studies all the phases of the proposed strategic framework in the light of a statistical analysis of the information gathered from various industries and concludes with recommendations for future design and development.


IoT, 7M IoT, IoTIL, IoT infrastructure library.

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Sogi SK, Mittal SK


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