International Journal of Advanced Technology and Engineering Exploration (IJATEE) ISSN (P): 2394-5443 ISSN (O): 2394-7454 Vol - 9, Issue - 87, February 2022
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Selection of structural materials for improved Liner motion gate valves based on friction correlation method

J. N. Aslanov, K. S. Mammadov and N. A. Zeynalov


Technology is currently developing more than advanced, however, wear factor in the valves moving parts remain as a problem. In this paper, selection of the right materials for improved liner motion gate valves' hermetic elements is studied based on the friction correlation method. Research is carried out in wear & tear machine for different grades of steels. A comparative analysis is done among the generated results. The hardness of new valve hermetic elements, materials was selected according to Brinell (GOST 4543). Steel 20X for the first saddle, 38X2MYA alloy steel for main gate and steel 40X was selected for the second saddle. It was found that the following condition must be met among the steel structures used to construct the packing element of the valve. 〖HB〗_x1<〖HB〗_x2>〖HB〗_x3 This paper reviews the existing models used for investigating the friction and weariness in the parts of valves. Some of other methods such as finite element simulation tools were also reviewed. The main aim of this paper is to find nearly ideal material grade that can realistically be used in construction of valve elements. A comparative analysis, which includes the approaches and limitations on the related works was presented. By the end of this paper, a conclusion is drawn and suggestions aspects for future research were stated.


Straight gate valve, Friction, Efficiency, Reliability, Longevity, Packing element, Gate, Saddle, Hermetic elements.

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Aslanov JN, Mammadov KS, Zeynalov NA


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