International Journal of Advanced Technology and Engineering Exploration (IJATEE) ISSN (P): 2394-5443 ISSN (O): 2394-7454 Vol - 9, Issue - 91, June 2022
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H∞ artificial bee colony law strategy of six degrees of freedom Boeing 747-100 control augmentation

Ezzeddin M. Elarbi and Abdulhamid A. Ghmmam


The paper implements the synthesis of H-infinity (H∞) and artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithms to simulate the quasilinear six degrees of freedom (6DOF) model of Boeing® 747-100 (B747-100) flight at the baseline trim condition of Mach number and altitude of 0.5 and 6096 m respectively. Such a model has been decomposed into longitudinal and lateral motions. The main aim has been to assess such modern control approach to this ancient 1969 model plane. As the longitudinal states couple with elevator and throttle control inputs and the lateral state coupling with aileron and rudder ones, the ABC algorithm has been approved to realize the H∞ stability augmentation design (H∞SAD) for a somewhat large-scale model. The well-known H∞ weighting matrices in terms of the full state feedback gain and controlled state matrices are competently augmented for a quadratic performance on the order of nine. Overall, successful modelling simulations have been attained and converged responses are obtained in a few seconds, with negligible overshoots and steady-state errors. Stable dynamic flight spectra of various identified eigenvalues fulfil the most flying quality assets. Particularly, the short period mode has shown close agreement with the satisfactory region of the flying quality properties compared without control and linear-quadratic optimal full state feedback control conducted in the past work. The synthesis of H∞ and ABC algorithms has been verified to be a well-trusted platform for the stability augmentation design of planes.


6DOF longitudinal-lateral controls, B747-100 model, Coupling states, H∞ artificial bee colony synthesis, Flying qualities, Flight modes, Stability augmentation.

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Elarbi EM, Ghmmam AA


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