International Journal of Advanced Technology and Engineering Exploration (IJATEE) ISSN (P): 2394-5443 ISSN (O): 2394-7454 Vol - 9, Issue - 93, August 2022
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Entropy for item inclination in sub-community based recommender system

Harita Ahuja, Sunita Narang, Sharanjit Kaur and Rakhi Saxena


To overcome the new user cold-start problems in collaborative filtering, an innovative framework has been propsed that used entropy for item inclination in sub-community-based recommender system (EISR). It administered demographic filtering on user and item attributes for finding similar users and applied collaborative filtering on rating preferences. The proposed framework leveraged the advantages of traditional group aggregation strategies for delivering good quality recommendations using item preferences of the members of a refined group detected using two-tier approach. At Tier-I, user communities were detected using demographic attributes, which were decomposed into discernible sub-communities by exploiting the item preferences of users. A novel entropy-based hybrid group aggregation method called pragmatic propensity was used to combine the item preferences of members of these sub-communities. Also, experiments conducted using the MovieLens and Book-crossing datasets revealed the better quality of recommendations and the comparison with other algorithms confirmed the effectiveness of the proposed framework.


Group recommender systems, Cold start problem, Community detection, Social network, Entropy, Item inclination, collaborative filtering, Demographic filtering, Group aggregation strategies.

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Ahuja H, Narang S, Kaur S, Saxena R


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