International Journal of Advanced Technology and Engineering Exploration (IJATEE) ISSN (P): 2394-5443 ISSN (O): 2394-7454 Vol - 9, Issue - 93, August 2022
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Just-in-time application on readymix concrete production

Heni Fitriani and Luxi Dailinda Rizki


The construction industry often faces problems occurring during construction projects such as delays in the delivery of raw materials and inadequate quality of raw materials. One of the raw materials needed for construction activities is readymix concrete (RMC). Therefore, a system that is capable of ensuring the quality and delivery of raw materials needs to be implemented. This study aims to investigate the application of a just-in-time (JIT) production system during the readymix production process. Moreover, this study also determines the effectiveness of the production process concrete batching plant implemented by the RMC supply company. The results showed that the concept of JIT has not yet been fully applied in RMC production. This is due to several obstacles that occur as since readymix production is a semi-manufacturing industry. The application of JIT requires some adaptation so that it can be applied to the production of RMC to maximixe the production productivity.


Readymix concrete (RMC), Production management, Just-in-time (JIT), Productivity.

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Fitriani H, Rizki LD


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