International Journal of Advanced Technology and Engineering Exploration (IJATEE) ISSN (P): 2394-5443 ISSN (O): 2394-7454 Vol - 10, Issue - 98, January 2023
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Framework for deep learning based model for human activity recognition (HAR) using adapted PSRA6 dataset

Rukhsarbano S. Sheikh, Sudhir Madhav Patil and Maneetkumar R. Dhanvijay


Perimeter surveillance at critical infrastructure sites is the most crucial aspect for such site owners. The titleholders use enhanced technology to keep an eye on suspicious activities and ground level movements using artificial intelligence (AI)-based smart cameras on perimeter border. In recent years, the use of AI has increased in the surveillance system that is deployed at critical areas to obtain a live feed of the ground situation. This allows the detection of human intrusions and the classification of targets based on human activity recognition (HAR). HAR is an important task for timely prevention of any kind of attack or intrusion. Surveillance is the most common application of vision-based HAR research. In recent years, deep learning has led to many AI applications in surveillance. This paper reports a customised video dataset concerning to perimeter surveillance related activity for 6 human action classes (PSRA6) pertaining to suspicious human activity through HAR. Three simple and built-from-scratch deep learning based convolutional neural network (CNN) architectures: convolution and long short-term memory (CONVLSTM), long-term recurrent convolutional network (LRCN), and 2-layer CNN, are used for the intended HAR. Python interface for all the three architectures has been provided by using Keras library. Performances of these architectures are investigated in terms of accuracy, precision, recall and F1 score. This work presented an effective method for collecting and characterising the adapted PSRA6 dataset. Based on the performance comparison, the 2-layer CNN architecture outperforms all other architectures with an accuracy of 96.77%, loss of 0.21, weighted average precision of 97%, weighted average recall of 97%, and weighted average F1 score of 97%. Though the designed architectures are limited by computational power, the 2-layer CNN model performed the best.


CNN, Deep learning, Keras, Human action recognition, PSRA6, Neural network.

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Sheikh RS, Patil SM, Dhanvijay MR


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