International Journal of Advanced Technology and Engineering Exploration ISSN (Print): 2394-5443    ISSN (Online): 2394-7454 Volume - 10 Issue - 99 February - 2023
  1. 3097
  2. 2.6
Statistical analysis of the effect of different water for mixing and curing on the mechanical properties of M-sand concrete

Ashish Mathur and R. C. Chhipa


The production of concrete involves the consumption of a large quantity of water, from the mixing process to the curing stage. Due to the scarcity of potable water, various waste and treated water sources are utilized in concrete production. The quality of water used affects the strength parameters of the concrete produced, as well as its properties during the curing stage. This study conducted experimental and statistical analyses to examine the feasibility of using different types of water in the concrete production process. Three types of water (tap water, grey water, and reverse osmosis (RO) waste water) were used for mixing and curing, and their chemical properties were analyzed using standard laboratory procedures. Concrete of grade M30 was prepared using all three types of water, and nine different mixes were created to test the mechanical performance of the concrete produced using different water types. The mechanical properties, such as compression, split tensile, and flexural strength, were analyzed experimentally to determine the practical impact of the water type used for mixing and curing. The results of the mechanical tests showed that using RO waste water for both mixing and curing improved the mechanical properties of the concrete. However, statistical analysis revealed that the use of different types of water for mixing and curing had no significant effect on the strength parameters of the concrete.


RO waste water, Grey water, Mechanical strength, Statistical analysis, M-sand concrete.

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Mathur A, Chhipa RC.Statistical analysis of the effect of different water for mixing and curing on the mechanical properties of M-sand concrete . International Journal of Advanced Technology and Engineering Exploration. 2023;10(99):187-201. DOI:10.19101/IJATEE.2021.876237


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