ACCENTS Transactions on Information Security (TIS) ISSN (P): 12222 ISSN (O): 2455-7196 Vol - 7, Issue - 26, April 2022
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A survey on IoT security: application areas, security threats, and solution architectures

Animesh Kumar Dubey


IoT technology play a significant role in securely managing the interaction between devices. Objects may be empowered to receive, create, transfer and exchange information in a hassle-free manner by using Internet of Things (IoT). The upcoming and existing applications of IoT are really promising to enhance the level of efficiency, automation, and comfort for users. This research work sheds light on discussing why security is important in IoT devices in recent times. Additionally, a detailed explanation of the challenges related to security and the origin of threats in the IoT application is discussed in this research. After analysing the security issues, various existing and emerging technologies concentrated on achieving a high level of trust in the application of IoT are presented in this study. There are four different technologies such as fog computing, blockchain, edge computing and machine learning to increase the security level in IoT that are also discussed in this research paper.


IoT technology, Security, Emerging technologies, Machine learning.

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