International Journal of Advanced Computer Research (IJACR) ISSN (P): 2249-7277 ISSN (O): 2277-7970 Vol - 13, Issue - 64, September 2023
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The barriers and prospects related to big data analytics implementation in public institutions: a systematic review analysis

Matendo Didas


Modern society has always relied on data, which is generated by individuals, businesses, and government entities. This data serves various citizen-centric purposes, including monitoring, weather forecasting, healthcare management, and disease prediction. Technological advancements have expanded the sources of data, allowing it to be produced from any device, anywhere, and in any format. However, the challenge lies in comprehending, managing, and effectively utilizing this vast data resource. Public organizations are known for generating significant amounts of data. The question arises: can this data be integrated with technology-generated data to create societal value? Yet, accessing and integrating data can be complex for public organizations and nonprofits, especially when crossing international borders, due to legal, cultural, and political considerations. Nevertheless, big data applications are making their way into public institutions, and their cumulative impact on big data analytics (BDA) has the potential to provide a competitive advantage for improved public service delivery. Despite the recent attention garnered by BDA, many BDA projects in public institutions fall short of expectations, primarily due to substantial capital investments that make their return on investment questionable. One key reason for these failures is a lack of understanding regarding the challenges and opportunities associated with BDA in the context of public institutions. This article aims to systematically review existing literature to provide comprehensive insights into the prospects and barriers of BDA in public institutions. This review paper employs a systematic literature review analysis (SLRA) to shed light on the application of state-of-the-art BDA barriers and prospects within public institutions. It draws upon existing works that provide perspectives and theoretical constructs while identifying barriers and prospects. The review underscores that BDA holds immense potential for supporting public institutions in harnessing big data for evidence-based public service delivery. While there are numerous potential benefits, including food security, knowledge management, and informed policy-making, among others, the review also highlights critical gaps that need attention to fully realize these merits. This study delves into the use of BDA systems in public institutions, addressing both opportunities and challenges in this context. Based on these findings, recommendations are offered for future directions.


Big data analytics (BDA), Big data, Public institutions, Preferred report items for the systematic review and meta-analysis (PRISMA), SLRA.

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