International Journal of Advanced Technology and Engineering Exploration (IJATEE) ISSN (P): 2394-5443 ISSN (O): 2394-7454 Vol - 10, Issue - 108, November 2023
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Inspection of the mechanical and durability behavior of concrete developed using M-sand

Ashish Mathur, R. C. Chhipa and Mala Mathur


In response to the increasing pressures of urbanization on the construction industry and the subsequent rise in concrete production, which leads to the overexploitation of river sand (R-sand), this research addresses the imperative of enhancing mechanical properties while aligning with environmental considerations by choosing manufactured sand (M-sand) as a sustainable replacement for R-sand. The study began by analyzing essential parameters, including fresh densities and mechanical concrete properties, and subsequently investigated durability aspects through assessments of permeability, acid, and sulphate resistance effects in M-sand concrete mixes. Through systematic replacements of R-sand with M-sand, ranging from 0% to 100% at 25% intervals, using the widely employed M 30 grade, the research evaluated performance. Fresh properties analysis revealed that M-sand concrete exhibited lower workability but increased fresh density compared to R-sand concrete. Mechanical strength tests indicated that the incorporation of M-sand led to enhanced compressive, flexural, and tensile strength, with the fine texture and unique bonding properties of M-sand particles playing a crucial role. Permeability assessments demonstrated reduced water penetration in M-sand concrete, decreasing from 69.5 mm to 64.5 mm. This improvement was attributed to a denser concrete structure resulting from the filler effect of M-sand. Moreover, the study highlighted M-sand's 15% and 12% greater resistance against sulphate and acid exposure, respectively, further corroborated by enhanced mass retention and compressive strength in harsh chemical environments.


M-sand, Durability aspect, Waste concrete, Acid and Sulphate attack.

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Mathur A, Chhipa RC, Mathur M


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