International Journal of Advanced Technology and Engineering Exploration ISSN (Print): 2394-5443    ISSN (Online): 2394-7454 Volume - 11 Issue - 111 February - 2024
  1. 3097
  2. 2.6
Developing ways to reduce the consumption of reagent collectors during the flotation of gold-containing ores

Dilmurod Makhmarejabov, Siyuan Yang, Sokhibjon Matkarimov, Bakhriddin Berdiyarov, Dilfuza Yavkochiva and Zaynobiddin Matkarimov


Due to shortages, high costs, and the necessity to import, there arose a need to substitute imported reagents with locally produced ones from Uzbek enterprises. This substitution could decrease the cost of reagent procurement, reduce expenses in copper and gold production, and aid in the development of waste-free manufacturing. The material composition of gold-bearing ores is characterized by their complex nature, low concentration of nonferrous metals, and the fine intermingling of valuable components with their host rocks. In our research, the gold-bearing ore from the Amantaytau deposit was selected as the study subject. Gold is a key component of the ore. The primary ore minerals in the sample are pyrite, arsenopyrite, iron hydroxides, and parasites. The non-metallic portion is mainly composed of quartz, sericite, feldspars (albite, orthoclase), carbonates, chlorites, and kaolinite. There is a consistent presence of carbonaceous matter and graphite. The reliability of the research findings was ensured through well-defined objectives. These results emerged from laboratory and semi-industrial scale studies, comparing technological processes for treating difficult-to-enrich gold ores. These processes involved the use of synthesized reagents from local industrial waste, either directly or through electrochemical activation, and combined beneficiation and metallurgical methods. This approach resulted in a notable increase in gold extraction from the Amantaytau deposit ores, ranging from 0.75 to 1.74%. This finding indicates the potential efficacy of electrochemical treatment in the flotation of gold-bearing ores. The results, validated through comprehensive research, demonstrate the successful achievement of the desired outcomes.


Material composition, Reagent, flotation scheme, Extraction, Electrochemical treatment, Installation, Result.

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Makhmarejabov D, Yang S, Matkarimov S, Berdiyarov B, Yavkochiva D, Matkarimov Z.Developing ways to reduce the consumption of reagent collectors during the flotation of gold-containing ores. International Journal of Advanced Technology and Engineering Exploration. 2024;11(111):270-287. DOI:10.19101/IJATEE.2023.10102097


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