International Journal of Advanced Computer Research ISSN (Print): 2249-7277    ISSN (Online): 2277-7970 Volume - 14 Issue - 66 March - 2024

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Facets related to challenges and prospects of cloud computing adoption in resource-constrained settings: systematic review analysis

Matendo Didas, Frederick Henri Chali and Noe Elisa


Information technology (IT) has evolved into cloud computing (CC), a transformative development that continues to shape global information and communication technology (ICT) strategies. By offering offsite access to computing resources via the Internet, CC provides a pay-per-usage model, flexibility, scalability, and other capabilities, significantly altering business operations worldwide. While the public and private sectors in resource-rich areas are harnessing this potential to enhance performance and service delivery, resource-constrained settings (RCSs)—including economies, regions, countries, and organizations—still face challenges in adopting this technology. This study explores the adoption challenges and opportunities of CC in RCSs. A systematic literature review analysis (SLRA) was conducted following the PRISMA guidelines to identify publications that discuss CC adoption. Seven academic databases were examined, and the reference lists of sixty-one relevant papers were reviewed for inclusion in our final analysis. The significant barriers to CC adoption in RCSs include infrastructure limitations, security and privacy concerns, organizational challenges, and environmental issues. However, the study also identified several opportunities for RCSs, such as enhancing interaction and entrepreneurship, improving education, reducing local ICT costs, and transforming IT practices. Given the unique features of CC technology, particularly online storage, which is seen as a key innovation in the computing revolution, it is crucial for governments and private enterprises in RCSs to leverage, adapt, and utilize CC advancements to boost commercial service performance.


Cloud computing, Information and communication technology, Resource-constrained settings, Systematic literature review analysis, PRISMA.

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Didas M, Chali FH, Elisa N.Facets related to challenges and prospects of cloud computing adoption in resource-constrained settings: systematic review analysis. International Journal of Advanced Computer Research. 2024;14(66):18-41. DOI:10.19101/IJACR.2023.1362017


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