ACCENTS Transactions on Information Security ISSN (Print): XXXX    ISSN (Online): 2455-7196 Volume - 9 Issue - 35 April - 2024

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Enhancing fault detection in object-oriented software with hybrid SVM-ACO classification

Asim Khan, MD Adil Hashmi , Asim Khan and MD Adil Hashmi


A novel hybrid classification approach that combines support vector machine (SVM) and ant colony optimization (ACO) (SVM-ACO) has been developed to enhance fault detection in object-oriented software systems. Object-oriented metrics are instrumental in identifying faults and errors, offering valuable insights into reusability and dynamic behavior of software systems. Given the complexities of application interactions and the dynamic nature of software development, our method integrates SVM's robust classification abilities with the optimization prowess of ACO. This integration optimizes feature selection and SVM parameter tuning through the probabilistic and heuristic-driven strategies of ACO. The implementation of the SVM-ACO algorithm proceeds in phases, beginning with feature selection via ACO, followed by training the SVM on these optimized features. This process iteratively refines the feature set and SVM parameters to heighten fault prediction accuracy. Our experimental results demonstrate that SVM-ACO significantly surpasses traditional SVM approaches in accuracy, particularly in early training epochs. This early success indicates effective initial learning and optimization of parameters, with performance becoming more consistent in later epochs. These outcomes affirm that SVM-ACO not only elevates fault detection capabilities but also boosts the model’s adaptability and efficiency in managing the complexities associated with object-oriented software metrics.


Support vector machine, Ant colony optimization, Fault detection, Object-oriented software, Hybrid classification.

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Khan A, Hashmi MA, Khan A, Hashmi MA.Enhancing fault detection in object-oriented software with hybrid SVM-ACO classification . ACCENTS Transactions on Information Security. 2024;9(35):9-14. DOI:10.19101/TIS.2024.935001


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