International Journal of Advanced Technology and Engineering Exploration ISSN (Print): 2394-5443    ISSN (Online): 2394-7454 Volume - 11 Issue - 116 July - 2024
  1. 3097
  2. 2.6
Convergence of batch gradient training-based smoothing L1regularization via adaptive momentum for feedforward neural networks

Khidir Shaib Mohamed and Raed Muhammad Albadrani


Momentum has been extensively researched for regularization, and it is a widely used method to quicken the convergence of practical training. Unfortunately, no such effective acceleration method for L1 regularization has yet to be presented. For the purpose of training and pruning feedforward neural networks, the convergence of batch gradient training-based smoothing L1 regularization via adaptive momentum (BGSL_1AM) was developed. In doing so, the usual L1 regularization is foremost nonsmooth; it generates oscillations in the computation and makes convergence analysis difficult. To overcome this issue, a smoothing function approximation L1 regularizer at the origin is proposed. Numerical simulation results on a range of function approximations and pattern classification problems demonstrate the effectiveness of BGTSL_1AM algorithm. This process progressively reduces weights pending training and allows for their removal afterwards. Together with the significance of the suggested approach and some weak and strong convergence analyses, the convergence conditions are also offered. The suggested learning method has good convergence qualities and accuracy in function approximation, as demonstrated by the simulation results.


Convergence, Smoothing L1 regularization, Adaptive momentum, Feedforward neural network, Batch gradient training.

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Mohamed KS, Albadrani RM.Convergence of batch gradient training-based smoothing L1regularization via adaptive momentum for feedforward neural networks . International Journal of Advanced Technology and Engineering Exploration. 2024;11(116):1005-1019. DOI:10.19101/IJATEE.2024.111100125


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