International Journal of Advanced Technology and Engineering Exploration ISSN (Print): 2394-5443    ISSN (Online): 2394-7454 Volume - 11 Issue - 121 December - 2024
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A novel phishing detection model using PolyScore feature evaluator and enhanced soft voting ensemble

Swetha C.V. , Sibi Shaji and B. Meenakshi Sundaram


Phishing remains a significant cybersecurity threat, particularly on social media platforms widely accessible online. With the increasing prevalence of social media usage and phishing incidents, there is an urgent need to enhance detection accuracy. This research addresses the challenge by leveraging advanced feature selection and classification techniques to propose a novel phishing detection model. The proposed model integrates a PolyScore feature evaluator and an enhanced soft voting ensemble method with geometric mean weighting. The methodology comprises three phases: (1) Data preprocessing, ensuring data cleanliness and readiness for classification; (2) Feature selection using the PolyScore evaluator, which employs six filter techniques with normalized rank percentiles to identify relevant features; and (3) Classification, combining predictions from seven classifiers using a geometric mean weighting-based soft voting ensemble. Ensemble pruning is applied during testing to remove classifiers with lower weights, optimizing the final results. Extensive experiments were conducted on three publicly available datasets, demonstrating superior performance in phishing detection. The proposed model achieved accuracy rates of 97.36% on dataset 1, 87.18% on dataset 2, and 98.27% on dataset 3. When compared to fifteen advanced classifiers, the model outperformed all others in phishing detection on dataset 1 and ranked as the second-best on dataset 3. This research introduces an innovative approach to phishing detection, combining weighted soft voting and ensemble pruning techniques to improve accuracy and robustness. The results highlight the model’s effectiveness in addressing the growing challenge of phishing on online social networks, offering a more reliable solution compared to existing methods.


Phishing detection, Social media security, Feature selection, Ensemble learning, Soft voting, Cybersecurity.

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C.V. S, Shaji S, Sundaram BM.A novel phishing detection model using PolyScore feature evaluator and enhanced soft voting ensemble. International Journal of Advanced Technology and Engineering Exploration. 2024;11(121):1641-1663. DOI:10.19101/IJATEE.2024.111100562


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