International Journal of Advanced Computer Research ISSN (Print): 2249-7277    ISSN (Online): 2277-7970 Volume - 14 Issue - 69 December - 2024

  1. Citation
Improving power system stability: a 3-level UPFC with PI control for enhanced power quality and dynamic performance

Nestor Ndjankeu Mbeutcho, Pierre Kenfack, Serge Raoul Dzonde Naoussi and Steyve Nyatte


The increasing demand for electricity, driven by industrialization and population growth, necessitates a reliable and high-quality power supply. Traditional power grids face challenges in managing large power flows and maintaining stability, particularly with the integration of renewable energy sources such as solar power. To address these challenges, a 3-level unified power flow controller (UPFC) with a proportional-integral (PI) controller was investigated to enhance dynamic performance and power quality in electrical grids. The UPFC consists of a series circuit for controlling active and reactive power flow and a parallel circuit for bus voltage regulation. This study focuses on the 225 kV Magombe-Oyomabang transmission line in Cameroon, analyzed under two fault scenarios: one with and one without solar generators. Simulation results indicate that the Watt-Var control method effectively restores the system to its steady state within 0.1 seconds after a fault. Additionally, the PI controller improves power system stability by 20% during transient periods. The UPFC-based strategy, combined with PI control, significantly enhances the grid's dynamic stability and power quality. This approach presents promising opportunities for improving the efficiency and reliability of power systems, particularly as the integration of renewable energy sources (RES) continues to grow.


Unified power flow controller, Proportional-integral controller, Dynamic stability, Renewable energy integration, Power quality improvement.

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Mbeutcho NN, Kenfack P, Naoussi SR, Nyatte S.Improving power system stability: a 3-level UPFC with PI control for enhanced power quality and dynamic performance. International Journal of Advanced Computer Research. 2024;14(69):104-124. DOI:10.19101/IJACR.2024.1466007


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