ACCENTS Transactions on Image Processing and Computer Vision ISSN (Online): 2455-4707 Volume - 11 Issue - 30 February - 2025

  1. Citation
Role of machine learning approach for industrial internet of things (IIoT) in cloud environment-a systematic review

Nabeela Hasan1 and Mansaf Alam1

Department of Civil Engineering, Jamia Millia Islamia,Delhi,India1
Corresponding Author : Nabeela Hasan

Recieved : 04-Nov-2024; Revised : 10-Dec-2024; Accepted : 06-Jan-2025


The industrial internet of things (IIoT) is related to the fourth industrial revolution and includes different applications and innovations for the conduction of industrial activities. The introduction of IIoT has revolutionized how manufacturing and industrial units traditionally worked. The current paper aims to analyse the privacy and security issues incorporated in the IIoT and the role of the machine learning (ML) approach for the IIoT. It also analyses industry focused internet of things (IoT) taxonomies and the application of IIoT systems in various smart cities. It is found that IIoT-enabled devices are based on advanced technologies such as big data, robotics, ML, operational technology (OT), and machine-to-machine (M2M) technologies. It helps to intelligently change the behaviour of different environments without any human intervention. ML-based IIoT devices can be used for smart energy, smart transportation, urban planning, and smart city characteristics.


Industrial internet of things (IIoT), Machine learning (ML), Smart energy, Smart transportation, Sensors.


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