Morphological Analyser for Hindi – A Rule Based Implementation
Ankita Agarwal, Pramila, Shashi Pal Singh, Ajai Kumar, Hemant Darbari
Morphological analysis is an important part of Natural Language Processing. With this, the task of Machine translation becomes very easy. Morphological analyzer can be implemented effectively for the language which is rich in morphemes. Hindi is morphologically rich language. In this paper we focus on the design of a morphological analyzer for Hindi language. The analyzer takes a Hindi sentence or a word as an input and analyzes it to generate its necessary features with its root words. The features will have categories: part of speech, gender, number, and person. The tool works on both inflectional and derivational morphemes. This works on rule based approach.
Morphological Analysis, Inflectional, Derivational, Rule Based, Corpus, Lemmatize.
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.Morphological Analyser for Hindi – A Rule Based Implementation. International Journal of Advanced Computer Research. 2014;4(14):19-25.