International Journal of Advanced Computer Research ISSN (Print): 2249-7277    ISSN (Online): 2277-7970 Volume - 3 Issue - 10 June - 2013

  1. Citation
Energy Efficient Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks



Wireless Sensors are subjected to harsh deployment conditions and have constrained resources. In this paper, we analyse the effectiveness of LEACH protocol in extending the lifetime for energy-constrained wireless sensor networks. Based on LEACH protocol, an improved protocol termed as LEACH-R is proposed. LEACH-R improves the selection of cluster-head by considering the residual energy of the nodes during selection of cluster-head, thereby reducing the possibility of low-energy nodes being selected. Based on both residual energy and distance to base station, relaying node is chosen from clusterheads to become the relay node between base station and other cluster-heads. The simulation results suggest LEACH-R protocol could balance network energy consumption and extend the network life cycle more effectively as compared to LEACH.


Wireless sensor networks; LEACH protocol;LEACH-R; lifetime; cluster head.

Cite this article

.Energy Efficient Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks. International Journal of Advanced Computer Research. 2013;3(10):95-100.
