A Comparison between E-Government Ranks in Jordan and Malaysian
Fawzi Altaany, Mohammad Issa Al-Zoubi
E-government transition is not akin to a simple introduction of information technology as it involves a significant change in the ways and methods of administrative operations which translate to major business process modification. E-government has a significant impact on the performance of public sector as a result continuous growth has been seen in the e-governments development around the world since last two decades. This paper investigates the e-government adoption scenario in Jordan and to compare it with the Malaysian. The study is based on the e-government survey reports conducted by the United Nations between 2007 and 2010. From the experience of Malaysian e-government, this report gave us some critical remarks related to Jordan e-government. This study also gave us suggestions and countermeasures to improve e-government in Jordan.
E-government, International Comparison, Jordan government, Malaysian government, Definition of E-Government.
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.A Comparison between E-Government Ranks in Jordan and Malaysian. International Journal of Advanced Computer Research. 2013;3(13):22-27.