Semantic Web Approach towards E-Commerce
V.Kiran Kumar, S.Murali Mohan
Semantic Web Technologies enable machines to interpret data published in a machine-interpretable form on the web. The existing e-commerce web data can be understandable to humans to read but machines cannot process it due to lack of semantics. To gain the advantage of using online shopping, consumer needs to search different e-commerce websites for a better price of product. Hence searching plays a crucial role in e-commerce to overcome information asymmetry and price dispersion. In this paper, we explained the basics of e-commerce with advantage, disadvantages and where the semantic web technologies can be applied is given for the benefit of consumer.
World Wide Web (WWW), Ontology Web Language (OWL), Resource Description Framework (RDF), Resource Description Framework Schema (RDFS), internet .
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.Semantic Web Approach towards E-Commerce. International Journal of Advanced Computer Research. 2013;3(13):236-241.