Biometric Identification System by Lip Shape
Shokhan M. H. and Khitam A. M.
Biometric authentication techniques are more consistent and efficient than conventional authentication techniques and can be used in monitoring, transaction authentication, information retrieval, access control, forensics, etc. Human-lip shape detection is an important criterion for many automated modern system in present day. Like computerized speech reading, face recognition etc. system can work more precisely if human-lip shape can detect accurately. There are many processes for detecting human-lip. This paper presents an approach for biometric identification system based on lips shapes recognition in low resolution images of human faces. The presented technique uses edge detection for detecting the region of a human-lip shape, we called it lip contour and colour filtering for noise reduction and enhancement of the desired recognition of lips. Also discusses advantages of this method, its use, and future development.
Lips Recognition, Biometric Authentication, Lips Detection, Lips Shape.
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.Biometric Identification System by Lip Shape. International Journal of Advanced Computer Research. 2015;5(18):19-24.