Converting an NFA to a DFA with programming C++
M. Davoudi-Monfared, R. shafiezadehgarousi, E. S. Haghi, S. Zeinali and S.Mohebali
In Automata Theory, if a language is recognized bay a Non-deterministic finite automaton (NFA), then we must show the existence of deterministic finite automaton (DFA) that also recognizes it. There are many idea and algorithms to convert an NFA in to an equivalent DFA that simulates the NFA. In this paper, we present an algorithm to convert an NFA to a DFA with programming by C++. This approach contains several classes and is so universal that cover converting from NFA to DFA completely.
Automata, Convert, NFA, DFA, C++
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.Converting an NFA to a DFA with programming C++. International Journal of Advanced Computer Research. 2015;5(21):355-366.