Robustness of triple I algorithms based on Schweizer-Sklar operators in fuzzy reasoning
Minxia Luo and Yaping Wang
In this paper, the perturbation of fuzzy connectives and the robustness of fuzzy reasoning are investigated. This perturbation of Schweizer-Sklar parameterized t-norms and its residuated implication operators are given. We show that full implication triple I algorithms based on Schweizer-sklar operators are robust for normalized Minkowski distance.
Schweizer-Sklar operators, Triple I algorithms, Fuzzy reasoning, Robustness.
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.Robustness of triple I algorithms based on Schweizer-Sklar operators in fuzzy reasoning. International Journal of Advanced Computer Research. 2016;6(22):1-8. DOI: 10.19101/IJACR.2016.622009
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