Scheduling jobs strategies for grid computing: A review
Salim Amdani and Satish Jadhao
Distributed computing environments have been very much in spectacle for the last one and a half decade. But while widely used high performance computing platforms for scheduling of jobs becomes crucial due to the job starvation and resource fragmentations problems which exist in existing scheduling strategies. In the Meanwhile, these existing strategies are rarely balance fairness and performance aiming at these issues; we reviewed lot of literature and closely observed and tried to analyze the best and bad in of various methods available. A lot work has been done towards to promote job response time and throughput but they are not able to handle the “starvation” problem and lead to unfairness. However, fairness and performance in the cluster depiction is rarely taken into consideration simultaneously.
Grid computing, Scheduling, Backfilling, Parallel computing, Distributed computing.
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.Scheduling jobs strategies for grid computing: A review. International Journal of Advanced Technology and Engineering Exploration. 2016;3(19):82-85. DOI:10.19101/IJATEE.2016.320002