International Journal of Advanced Computer Research (IJACR) ISSN (P): 2249-7277 ISSN (O): 2277-7970 Vol - 6, Issue - 24, May 2016
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Enhancing security against hard AI problems in user authentication using CAPTCHA as graphical passwords

S. Murugavalli, S.A.K. Jainulabudeen, G. Senthil Kumar and D. Anuradha


Information and computer security are supported by the passwords, as passwords play a vital role in the authentication process. The traditional authentication method uses text-based passwords, which is also called alphanumeric passwords, is not reliable in data security, and to overcome these drawbacks, the graphical password scheme is introduced as an alternative to text-based passwords. But the graphical password scheme is vulnerable to shoulder surfing attacks, spyware attacks. To overcome this vulnerability of graphical passwords, an emerging technique that is Completely Automated Public Turing Tests to tell Computers and Humans Apart (CAPTCHA), as a challenge response test is generated to distinguish humans from bots in authentication. To ensure security, an alternative method to textual CAPTCHA is replaced by CAPTCHA as gRaphical Password (CaRP). As CaRP scheme has a scope of refinements in cyber security a two-way authentication method is proposed in one of the CaRP techniques of Recognition-based scheme. The graphical password scheme when compared, confer exceptional nascent outcome when it coalesces both CAPTCHA and graphical passwords.


Textual CAPTCHAs, Authentication, Shoulder surfing attacks, Cyber security, CaRP.

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