International Journal of Advanced Computer Research (IJACR) ISSN (P): 2249-7277 ISSN (O): 2277-7970 Vol - 7, Issue - 29, March 2017
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An improvement on recommender systems by exploring more relationships

Hoang Lam Le, Quoc Cuong Nguyen and Minh Tri Nguyen


Recommender systems are systems that can filter a great number of pieces of data and suggest mostly similar interested items of the user’s preference. A variety of approaches have been proposed to perform recommendation, including content-based, collaborative filtering and association-based, etc. A potential problem existing in a recommender system is cold start [1]; simply defined that a system cannot draw any inference for users. In this paper, we deal with one of cold start problems by proposing a hybrid approach which combines two distinct features to solve the problem. While a user is related to other users in product purchase behaviors or preference, an item is connected to different items by its inside information. Our recommender system utilizes both these relations instead of each individual one to ameliorate the quality of output suggestion. This procedure will be revealed and discussed through this paper.


Cold start, Recommendation, Recommender, Collaborative filtering, Content-based, Hybrid approach.

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